Monday, October 20, 2008

Hide and seek

Ian has recently discovered how fun hide and seek is. Really, it's not so much hide and seek as he hides behind a door or in his tent and thinks I can't see him so he laughs hysterically. His favorite place to play this is in the downstair's bathroom closet, especially after bath time (thus he only has a diaper on in the video). Even after I say we are done playing and turn off the light and go in the living room he will keep going in and out of the closet in the dark. Or sometimes we'll be playing in the living room when he'll disappear and I hear the door squeak and then "mommy!" and giggling. I just love that the simplest things amuse little kids. :o)

1 comment:

The Cherkauskas Family said...

Drew loves it! Every time he closes the door he says "Where's Ian?" And then he laughs hysterically when Ian opens the door. It definitely is the simple things...