Monday, October 27, 2008

The Birthday Girl!

Yesterday was Alexis' 1st birthday!! We are going to have a little party when Daddy gets back in a few weeks but yesterday we celebrated with lunch at Red Wells and a cake back at home. My parents and Ian were there to celebrate with us. My mom insisted Alexis get dressed up so she's wearing her cute little black velvet skirt. And she did pretty well with the cake...didn't make too much of a mess on her face but she did end up with quite a bit of it on her skirt. Ian was just thrilled to be getting "happy cake" as he calls it. They always celebrate at his daycare when it's someone's birthday so he is quite aware that birthdays mean yummy treats. :o)
It's hard to believe Alexis is one already...but it's very exciting that it means Brian will be coming home soon! We are looking forward to many more birthdays with Daddy being home.


The Cherkauskas Family said...

Yeah! Happy Belated Birthday Alexis. Sorry I didn't remember when we were on the phone. I can plead day long airline travel alone with Drew, right? I love the 1st birthday cake pictures...they're always the best!

The Cook Family said...

Wow! I can't believe she is one already! Happy Birthday! We look forward to seeing you all soon!