Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cute clothes

Look at me in the pretty, pretty dress that Ms. Adrianne made me!

And cute shirts that say funny stuff are the best. I get so sad when the kids grow out of cute clothes so I have to take pictures of them in everything. I'm the opposite of a pack rat and I read somewhere that instead of keeping things just take pictures of yourself with them and give the items I've been putting the digital camera to work!


The Cherkauskas Family said...

I read that same thing!!! If you saw our garage and closets though, you'd know you're doing better with it than I am.

By the way, could Alexis have a cuter smile?

The Cook Family said...

Very cute! I love the dress. I should take your advice. I am still saving my favorite clothes!

Embrace the Circus said...

What a darling dress! Adrianne is amazing!

We've got tubs and tubs of clothes... at least I get to reuse them for Madeline!