Monday, April 21, 2008

Adventures with a Spoon

Both kids have begun exciting new adventures with a spoon lately...just in different ways. After several failed attempts, Alexis is finally taking to eating things off of a spoon. She was a little stubborn about taking a bottle so it's no surprise she didn't instantly take to the spoon either. And I guess I got spoiled with Ian doing it so well right away. But she is doing well now and is starting to try all different fruits, veggies and cereals.

Ian on the other hand is learning to eat with a spoon by himself, which is great for me because the more he can eat on his own, the more available I am to feed Alexis and they can sit at the table and eat at the same time. Whew! I still haven't quite gotten the hang of trying to feed both of them AND myself at the same time but I've found it's a lot easier and more peaceful to just eat my dinner after they're both in bed for the night. :o)

1 comment:

The Cook Family said...

It's funny how much they are alike! It's almost like Alexis is saying "No mommy, it's not yummy, that's why I'm spitting it out!"