Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Our Wagon

As I mentioned in a previous blog, we got the kids a wagon last month and they love it. It's so fun to take them for walks in it around our neighborhood and it will be great for trips to the Zoo and other places this summer. The funniest part is that it has a little door and I keep trying to get Ian to use it but he seems to prefer the Dukes of Hazard method of getting in and out of the wagon...oh well. Now we just need Daddy to come home so he can pull it instead of Mommy..haha!!


The Cook Family said...

Cute, cute! Will both kids stay in the wagon and is it easy to pull?

The Cherkauskas Family said...

I love the second picture where Alexis is resting her arm on the wagon. So cute. I also want to know more about the wagon. Where did you find it?