Thursday, February 28, 2008

This Survey thing

Alright, I got my act together and filled this you go....

1. Were you named after anyone? No, there's no good story behind my name...sorry.
2. When was the last time you cried? Who knows....maybe a month or so ago when I was having one of THOSE days...
3. Do you like your handwriting? When I'm not writing in a hurry it's ok and I like it
4. What is your favourite lunch meat? Hmmm...I guess hard salami....from the deli, not the pre-packaged kind
5. Do you have kids?Yep, Ian who is almost 18 months and Alexis who is 4 months
6. If you were another person would you be friends with you? Oh, of course...I'm awesome!
7. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Probably a little too much...and I've found it doesn't work very well over IM, but luckily Brian understands me so he still gets it
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes, and my wisdom teeth...I'm avoiding getting them taken out but I know the day will come eventually...eeekk!!
9. Would you bungee jump? Uh, no....I'm not a big fan of heights....the Rothenburg rathaus tower still gives me nightmares.
10. What is your favourite cereal? Honey O's....and I can only ever find them at the commissary so I had to stock up at Ft. Riley but now I'm out and I miss them.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No, I'm lazy...that's why I try to buy slip ons
12. Do you think you are strong? Physically, yeah....but not as strong as I used to be when I could work out more. In every other way, be an Army spouse you have to be
13. What is your favourite ice cream? Pretty much anything with peanut butter in it...but it has to be served to me on a cone...I don't do ice cream from a container.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Probably what they're wearing and I think gee, I'm a slob.
15. Red or pink? Hmmm...I guess pink....I never thought I'd say that but it's grown on me in the past few years....and yes, all the little baby girl clothes are sooooo cute!!!
16. What is the thing that you like least about yourself? Oh, I have a bad temper...but I'm getting better....having kids has taught me patience.
17. Who do you miss the most? Brian, the most...and all my Germany friends!!!
19. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Black pants and a black shirt...I'm just hanging out around the house so who cares...hehe.
20. Have you ever re-gifted? Oh, totally....but only for the best reasons...whatever those are??
21. What are you listening to right now? Silence...the kids are both sleeping!!
22. If you were a crayon what color would you be? A color nobody uses like Burnt Sienna or something...I don't want to be all used up to the point where you have to start peeling the paper back...I'm content to just hang out in the box.
23. Favorite smells? Brian's colognes....Acqua di Gio by Georgio Armani and Abercrombie and Fitch can't go cheap with cologne
24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My dad...he calls me daily from Florida to rub it in how warm it is down there
25. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Oh, of course...I miss her
26. Favorite sports to watch? College Football...I absolutely cannot get enough of it...I'm so sad about my Buckeyes this year though...argh!!!
30. Favorite food? Oh that's tough...right now it's the Mrs. Fields cookies Brian sent me for Valentine's Day....yummmm
31. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies...I was subjected to them at a young age and I love them....explains a lot, huh?
32. Last movie you watched? Superbad....and it was super bad...not a bad movie, just bad language and stuff....made me realize I need to start screening what I watch with Ian around.
33. What color shirt are you wearing? Black with a Mustang on totally have to have clothes that go with the car you drive...doesn't everyone?
34. Summer or winter? Summer...I'm all about warm weather...but fall is good too...Halloween and's the best.
35. Hugs or kisses? Hugs I suppose
36. Favorite dessert? Cookies!!!!
37. What book are you reading now? Along Came a Spider by James's so good but I only get about a page read a day....I can't seem to find time to sit and read it....hmmmm...
38. What is on your mousepad? It's a Ft. Knox Armor/Cavalry one....we are so cool.
39. What did you watch on tv last night? Argh! I said I wasn't going to watch any American Idol beyond the auditions but that crap suckers you in!! I also watched Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy....I live for those shows...I'm an old lady, I know.
40. Favorite sound? My computer makes a ringing sound when Brian IMs me....I love it!
41. Rolling stones or Beatles? Not a huge fan of either...I guess the Beatles have more songs that I can tolerate
42. What is the furthest you have been from home? Australia and New Zealand...I guess New Zealand is further away
43. Do you have a special talent? Please! I'm loaded with talent...I can type on an adding machine without much more talented can you get??
44. Where were you born? Toledo,, I've come full circle!!

Yeah, there are some numbers missing in there...oh well. Ok, I guess I tag Jenn since she's the only other person I know on here. Hope you enjoyed this!!

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