Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Just some catching up...

There will be no pictures in this post since I have not uploaded any in a while. We got some good ones at Thanksgiving and a few since then so as usual they'll be delayed but eventually I will find some time to get them on here.
Thanksgiving was wonderful....Brian was home with us this year so what could be better? His parents drove down from Rochester the Tuesday before and stayed with us until Saturday. They were obviously glad to see Brian since it had been R&R when they saw him last and they had so much fun with Ian and Alexis. On Thanksgiving day my mom came over as well to eat dinner with us since the rest of my family was spread all over the place this year.
With the exception of a few things, Brian cooked the whole Thanksgiving dinner. He was so excited to do it and found all these recipes for different kinds of dressing, a squash soup, mashed potatoes, etc. It was wonderful!!! I contributed by opening the cans of cranberry sauce and making some spoon bread (the recipe lives on!!!).
On Monday, however, our time of sleeping in and hanging around the house all day and watching lots of TV!! Brian and I both started work and it's been a whirlwind ever since. Because we both started new jobs at the same time we are trying to get our schedules figured out with getting the kids to school and picking the kids up and squeezing in dinner and playtime and bathtime and all the usual stuff that was relatively easy before. But it's also really nice to be back to work (for me at least....hehe). It's much more challenging work than I've done previously so I am learning so much and the people I work with are great so far. Brian's been doing mostly "inprocessing" stuff since he started...everything is just so different with ROTC. But he's home and he's not going to Iraq again so yeah for that!! We even got to go out to lunch together today since we work only about 5 minutes from each other.
Alright, that's my catching will come soon I promise.

1 comment:

The Cherkauskas Family said...

your contributions to thanksgiving dinner sound like mine...spoon bread (what did we ever do before this recipe?) and microwaving steam fresh green beans. i also opened the sparkling cider. glad you had a good turkey day all together again.