Friday, August 22, 2008

Time with Daddy

Well, Brian is gone now...we dropped him off at the Kansas City airport on Tuesday morning before heading back East. We had a great time on our trip out to St. Louis and then Ft. Riley. Those few extra days added to his R&R really made a big difference and we made the best of our short time together. I'll have more pictures from our trip later but I just wanted to post these two cute videos for now. They are of Brian and each of the kids having some fun together. The first is Alexis and Daddy at home here in Ohio just playing together in her room. And the second is of Daddy and Ian doing Ian's new favorite game....playing horsey. Daddy does it so much better than Mommy so Ian will definitly be excited to have the better horsey back in a couple of months. It's amazing how much more aware he is of Daddy now and he talks about him constantly. It's especially interesting that when he gets in trouble with Mommy he cries for Daddy. Hmmm. :o)

1 comment:

The Cherkauskas Family said...

So glad you all had such a wonderful time together. It's great to see Brian with the kids. If Ian likes horsey I strongly recommend airplane. Bill's better at it than I am too. Talk to you soon!